Plus size jeans for women (or girls) does not have to be a sentence that makes you cringe, because guess what? We’re living in a century where not only are curves and vivaciousness, sexy and sassy, but those with the fabulous shapes and sizes can dress stylish and red carpet ready. See. That’s the problem though.
There was a time where if you were over a size 0, you were stuck wearing some unfitted, gross looking cloth that someone was able to produce and call, “Plus Size jeans for women (or girls)“. Womp Womp Womp! So glad that that century has come and gone! I don’t want to look like I’m drowning in my jeans, nor do I want to look like I’m being tucked and stuck in all awkward places imaginable, and I bet that you don’t want either too! Luckily, the day has come. Drum roll please…. plus size jeans by Marisota covers all the trends that are thriving for the skinny girls, and for us ladies that have a little more loving!
Metallic Madness
I truly couldn’t pick a better title for these plus size jeans for women (or girls) because honestly, everyone knows that there is a serious metallic madness happening in the world of fashion right now. Say goodbye to the days where everything is generic, especially for the women with some curves. You can rock this trend fabulously and don’t have to worry about looking like an oompa loompa with some funky metallic pants on. Could you imagine? Don’t want to? Me neither, and luckily we don’t have to!

Skinny Jeans
How ironic is that name? Oh skinny jeans aren’t just for 00 models. Skinny jeans are for us ladies that are skinny with a little more loving. Yes. That is what I tell myself on a daily basis, and it works, so you should try it too! The problem with skinny jeans prior to Marisota’s plus size jeans for women (or girls) is that they were literally made for the skinniest of skinny girls. There’s no way someone with some curves could slide into them because they simply didn’t offer this style of jean with enough fabric, and if they did… they didn’t look too skinny once you got your booty in them. Luckily, we can now indulge in skinny jeans, even if we’re not itsy bitsy.

Badass Bootcut
This is a classic style, and honestly, everyone female needs a pair in her wardrobe. Although bootcut jeans have been around for all shapes and sizes, it simply wasn’t known for plus size jeans for women (or girls) to be flattering. They weren’t fitted. They bunched. Bulged. Jabbed. Jammed. Pinched… and I could go on with all sorts of other descriptive words that mean anything but comfortable. Now, boot cut jeans can be the classic that they are, on any shape and size. They look fabulous whether you’re size 0, 7, 16 or more. The list goes on ladies! Try these bad boys if you’re uneasy with your jeans choices.

Gone are the days where the ladies with a little loving have to look a little sluggin’. Thank gawd, right? Being bodacious is beautiful and luckily the hautest brands are getting on that trend and offering up some incredible styles that look good on all shapes and sizes, even the ones that aren’t that of a 00! These are the hottest jeans that you could possibly have right now that are also classic that will be taken through your wardrobe season to season. So invest in some good fashion. Stop wearing ugly, uncomfortable jeans. Honestly. Why are you doing that when you don’t have to?