There are so very many different places that we hear about healthy eating tips for summer. Magazines, radio, Internet, cooking shows, they all seem to want you to get healthy. I’ve read the articles and paid attention when they are talking about it on the news or radio programs. Some of the information is very exciting and makes so much sense. During the summer we have so many vegetables and fruits available to us at really good prices. There are also many healthy eating recipes that give us new ideas for practicing those healthy eating tips.
For example right now smoothies are a real popular thing to eat. These are great in the summertime when you really want something cool and refreshing. One of the best healthy eating recipes that I have tried lately is for a lemon raspberry smoothie. It is very easy to make and is very delicious on a hot afternoon or after an exercise session.

Lemon Raspberry Smoothie
2 cups lemonade
2 cups raspberries
1 cup raspberries or lemon yogurt.
Put all ingredients in the blender. Cover with a lid and blend until creamy. Pour into chilled glasses and enjoy!
Smoothies are just one of the many healthy eating tips available. There are also suggestions for fresh vegetable salsa’s, grilled vegetables and easy salad and sandwich ideas that are not only healthy and delicious, but they help you to use the vegetables and fruits that are so easy to get at this time of the year.
Eating healthier and living a healthier lifestyle is not as hard as it might sound. With a little desire and creativity you might find that you really like some of the new tips you are trying. You may even l feel like getting a little more familiar with vegetables and fruits as main courses for your meals.