Patterns and prints are fun and often visually pleasing. The eye is automatically attracted to a pattern before it would be a solid color. Be bold this spring by incorporating interesting prints to your everyday outfits!
Flower Power
Floral is a great springtime pattern that has been popular for many years. You will start to see the great big flower power patterns from the 60’s but also will notice subtle touches here and there. For this spring’s grand boho movement it only makes sense that flowers will be the main attraction.

Mixed Metallic
Combining gold and silver can seem like an overkill of shine and sparkle, don’t let it rule your outfit but let it be present. This spring, add a sparkly punch by mixing metallic in all ways. Accessories can easily achieve this goal and don’t be afraid to use some bigger pieces such as a blouse if you feel comfortable.

Bold Stripes
Nautical stripes have had their time, now thick and bold colored stripes have their turn. Stripes have stood the test of time, inspiring Coco Chanel in the 30’s and being a fashion movement in the 60’s after Rebel Without a Cause. It is time we again adore the vertical lines that create fun visual illusions and trick the eye. Wear in conjunction with solids to offset the dominant thick line.
