Pageants are a whirlwind of glamour, fashion and glitz in which thousands of girls compete each year. These pageants are normally divided into three main segments: talent, bathing suit and evening gown competitions. While the talent and bathing suit segments are fun, there is no question that the evening gown segment showcases the girls’ true poise and beauty. This segment usually includes a question and answer session in which the girls are asked questions dealing with anything from social issues to personal philosophies.

It is important to choose the evening gown carefully for Beauty Pageants, making certain that the color, fit, and cut compliment the contestant’s physique and truly make her feel beautiful, comfortable and confident while under the bright lights on stage. In fact, the importance of this cannot be overstated.

Choosing the best Pageant Gowns is easy when you use Pageant Designs. Their selection of sizes, colors and styles is no less than incredible, and their customers love the fact that they take their gowns a step further by adding personal fitting and tailoring service. When contestants buy here, they are buying more than just a gown. They are also gaining the confidence and self-assurance that can only come from walking or standing before the judges in a beautifully, perfectly tailored evening gown.
You might think that a beautiful, personally fitted and tailored gown is too expensive for your budget. If so, you should definitely think again. Their prices are extremely reasonable, especially when you consider the importance of the perfect evening gown. When your contestant steps onstage, under the bright lights and scrutiny of the judges, you will be glad that you did not choose a so-called “bargain” basement gown.

Any girl knows that you look as beautiful as you feel, and when competing in a pageant it is important to portray both your inner and outer beauty. Few things can accomplish this as well as wearing an evening gown in the perfect color, style, size and fit for your contestant. She will walk the runway exuding confidence, grace and poise. She will answer contest questions with assurance and a smile that comes from feeling beautiful.
When you are choosing the most elegant evening gown for a pageant, don’t look any farther than this superstore for the pageant gown you have longed for. They take pageantry seriously, and take pride in making sure that you or your contestant in you stunning Pageant dress, leaves the store with the confidence and assurance that will stun the judges onstage.